Dont know what say read these tips!
Remember that the first message sent will determine your chance for a successful date, so it is vital to write the RIGHT message. This will create the “first impression” which will determine the willingness of the other party to recognize your presence. Read the profile
Write a message that will prove you know and read her profile. Let’s face the fact, some guys do spam messages, sending the same message to every girl they find good looking. Well, if you are serious of finding the “right one”, better take time to run through the profile of your prospected person, assess it, know your similarities and know the possibilities. Through a unique message, which probably includes something related to her, you will have greater chance to know that person better.
Keep it simple, short, and creative. Create a message that is simple yet straight to the point. Three sentences will do. Better not go beyond that. This will reduce the possibility of getting bad impression and lowers your weirdness factor (well, even your intention is good, you might mistakenly judge as odd because of your message).
Hi, Hello is a No-No
Never ever send just a “Hi”, “Hello”, or whatsoever message. Why, because there are numerous individuals who are doing so. Don’t join the crowd or else you will get lost. If a woman received about 10 same message, there will be low chance of your message being noticed. She might respond, but it will not be her priority. Try to create a message which will stand out among the rest.
It’s ok to compliment the person in the first message, but still be careful. Make sure to make the message sound with class. If you are not sure of how your message sound using those compliments, better save it next time.
A Question and a Humor will do
Ask a Question. Conversation often starts with a question. If someone asks you “how are you”, you probably will answer the question right away. Well, it’s not that you should ask that same question. You can think more, but make sure it makes sense. The question should be an open one. Never ever ask someone right away if she is willing to have a face-to-face date, you will surely be deleted on the list(well, there’s always an exemption)
So, what are the things that you can ask? Anything that will catch her interest! Ask anything you have seen on his/her profile (since you have limited information about her). You can also ask something which is common between you.
Send a Humorous message. Admit it, you can’t resist something which makes you laugh. Well, this is also the same with the person you are dealing with on online dating sites. Most of them are looking for individuals who can make them smile or laugh. But then, be careful on the humor you tend to make. Remember that not everyone will laugh at your joke (preferences are different). Better play safe with your joke by saying something related to things you have in common (Based on her profile).